Shoutout: Emotional Readiness in Law Event
The Research for Change Forum is pleased to announce its event, Emotional Readiness in Law on the 21st of November, 2018, 7pm at the Lady Hale Moot Court!
Join Iain Christie, mediator and barrister at 4-5 Gray's Inn, and the University of Bristol's own Hannah Holdaway, as they discuss what it means to be emotionally, psychologically and mentally prepared to take the legal fight on behalf of clients.
Apart from working at 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square Barrister Chambers, Iain currently serves as a Secretary on the Civil Mediation Council, Vice-chair of the Bar Council ADR Committee, and is the Director of IMPRESS, the Independent Monitor for the Press. Iain will be exploring mediation in its various contexts and strengths, giving an overview of the importance of emotional readiness in different contexts of mediations, especially where clients have a high stake in case outcomes.
Hannah's postgraduate research title is 'An exploration of emotional support given by family lawyers to their clients'. It is commonly known that family law cases are emotionally vexing, especially for the parties involved. Hannah's research is aimed at charting the relationship between those in the legal profession and their clients, believing that the emotional aspects of the family justice process is more deserving of academic attention. She argues in her research that lawyers offer not just legal services, but emotional support to clients as well, in the hopes of reaching fair and equitable settlements. She seeks to assess the balance between technical legal skills and empathy required to progress divorce and financial remedy cases.
After the presentations, there will be opportunities for discussion and networking.
Register your interest via our facebook or eventbrite links here!
We hope to see you there!